Apple's iPhone PK LG's Prada

    At top, Apple's new iPhone, recently revealed with hysterical hoopla. Below, the new KE850 phone from Korean firm LG in association with fashion designer Prada. Can you spot the difference? And which came first?

    Plans for LG's buttonless, touchscreen phone, with MP3 player, bluetooth and similar whistles and bells to the iPhone, were announced late last year, and had won a design award before Apple's Steve Jobs took hyperbole to new heights this month by describing his iPhone as "revolutionary".

    On Saturday, Jobs' claim that the iPhone was "five years ahead of what's on any other phone" was put further to the test when LG officially launched the KE850 and said it would go on sale four months earlier than Apple's product. LG's phone, priced at $US780 ($1100), will go on sale in Europe next month and in Asia from March. LG did not announce its US plans.

    Apple's iPhone is set for US release in June and will cost $US599 ($NZ860) for the high-end model with 8Gb of internal memory. It is not expected to come to New Zealand until next year.Source URL:
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