Apple may announce in advance iPhone 4G(iPhone HD)

    U.S. investment firm Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster writes in a message he believes as technology blog Gizmodo recently announced 4G mobile phone prototype next-generation iPhone disassembled content information, Apple launched iPhone 4G(iPhone HD) may be put forward. With

    When more people are now looking forward to this phone, which affected the sales of the existing iPhone. However, Gene Munster did not say specifically how much time in advance. According to reports, Apple will be in June at the annual Worldwide Developers Conference, and launched two 3G mobile phones and 3GS.

    In fact, the latest rumors, in the June 22, Apple will open its latest handset the mystery, however, has not been an official Apple Worldwide Developers Conference on the specific date, not to mention the new Apple cell phone The release date was.

    Looking forward to iPhone 4G (iPhone HD)!Source URL:
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