iPhone Verizon News:Verizon Wireless will not be sold iPhone 4G this year(2010)

    Verizon Wireless is estimated that this year will not be sold iPhone, but it is likely to wait for high-speed network, currently under construction, after completion of the Optional officially started selling the iPhone.

    Just last week, there are media reports that Apple is developing a mobile phone based on CDMA technology, products, and the product is the use of the technology Verizon Wireless. Some analysts said investors were now on the expectations for Verizon iPhone too early to estimate too high.

    When Apple introduced using the Verizon network, iPhone? Verizon CEO Ivan Seidenberg has said that when the sale of Verizon iPhone is Apple completely.

    Continue to create miracles in iPhone sales for Verizon undoubtedly important, Verizon can rely on iPhone's influence in maintaining the existing customer groups based on the number of attracting more new users.

    Verizon iPhone Verizon depends on whether the launch of this year and the business relationship between Apple the development of good and bad. Verizon iPhone not been asked Apple to use a technology used in most countries, but this is not Apple's style has always been before.

    Verizon said it has already begun this year to upgrade its mobile network for the 4G LTE network, while Apple said the 2010 version of the iPhone will be possible to use Verizon's 3GCDMA network to meet the nationwide demand.Source URL: https://celcells.blogspot.com/2010/04/iphone-verizon-newsverizon-wireless.html
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