Robert Watson, CEO SaskTel confirmed that four generations of Apple's iPhone this summer push

    Canada a top mobile operator confirms Apple will release a 67 month iPhone, the fourth generation.

    In the past, usually in June or July, Apple released new iPhone, according to the industry this year, the San Francisco Art Center reservation Fangcaodi arrangements, suggesting that Apple will release in June 22 the fourth generation iPhone. The outside world is also speculation that Apple will introduce support for CDMA mobile phone network.

    Recently, the Canadian mobile operator SaskTel CEO Robert Watson of some position, and further confirmed the news. Watson said: "The good news is that Apple will release a new version 6,7 on iPhone, they will view us as partners, we are very excited." However, Watson did not talk about the characteristics of new iPhone function.

    Canada now has multiple operators in distribution iPhone, including Bell, Telus, etc..Source URL:
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