iPhone OS 4.0 Conference:Apple iPad tablet reached 3.5 million App Store downloads

    Apple officially launched the next generation of mobile phone operating system iPhone OS 4.0, Jobs launched iPhone OS 4.0 available before the iPad tablet PCs since some information was disclosed.

    According to reports, iPad on April 3 the first day of sale of 35 million units sold, as of April 9, iPad has sold 450,000 units. Apple proud of victories App Store is brilliant, so far, App Store on the number of software has reached 185,000, the total has been downloaded more than 4 billion, of which iPad App Store application of more than 3500, it reached downloads 3.5 million, while the iPad main reading software iBooks downloads have reached 600,000.Source URL: https://celcells.blogspot.com/2010/04/iphone-os-40-conferenceapple-ipad.html
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