New character:Camy (Street Fighter for iPhone)

    Came from the Capcom company a video, said the iPhone version of "Street Fighter" will add a role Camy. Camy to the deadly cyclone with her legs joined in this Competition. The good news is that Capcom will provide the next update.

    the new role that the player was quite good, but do not get too excited. Capcom just announced the launch of the next update of this role sounds need to wait for Apple's adoption.

    Gaming Our friends over at Joystiq have uncovered some video of a brand new character coming to the Street Fighter for iPhone game from Capcom. Camy is going to bring her camouflaged legs to the fighting game, and she’s coming for free — Capcom is going to include the character in a soon-to-be-released update to the game. Obviously a free character is great and all, but this seems weird.Source URL:
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