U.S. smartphone rating: BlackBerry accounted for 42.1%, iPhone is not progress

    Internet traffic statistics analysis firm comScore has released the report said, RIM BlackBerry smart phone market share substantially in the United States leading opponents, to maintain market leadership.

    According to comScore survey data, at present, the number of U.S. smart phone users reached 45.4 million, of which the total number of BlackBerry users accounted for about 42.1%. Apple's iPhone, with 25.4% of the market share of second place, Microsoft and Google's Android smart phones accounted for 15.1% and 9.0%, Palm Zeyi market share of 5.4% ranks last.

    The report will also in December 2009 ~ February 2010 and September 2009 to 11-month period and compared the data showed that, during this period, with smart phone users increased by 21%.

    BlackBerry maker Research in Motion (RIM) have performed well, increasing market share of 1.3%, while the Apple iPhone's market share stagnated, Microsoft and Palm fell.

    In the comScore analysis of 6-month period, Google Android phone the strongest growth, up 5.2%.

    Market researchers say, as more mobile phone manufacturers to use Google's Android platform, can be expected in the future to support Android platform, the market share of smart phones will grow rapidly.Source URL: https://celcells.blogspot.com/2010/04/us-smartphone-rating-blackberry.html
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