"Lovelock" Fedora 15 Released "Download Available"..

    The Fedora Project  released 15 with codename "Lovelock" was made available for download yesterday. Fedora releases are always awaited with significant anticipation, and this one has been no exception. The biggest news about this release, is that they have changed to a Gnome 3 desktop. As far as I am aware, they are the first "major" distribution to use Gnome 3 as their default desktop. Because of that, and the obvious comparisons to Ubuntu's recent release of their Unity desktop, this will be the primary focus.

    The distribution is available from the Fedora Downloads web page. You can copy the ISO image to a USB stick by using their LiveUSB Creator utility, or you can simply "dd" the image to the USB device. Boot the Live image, and you are ready to install. Installation is fast and fairly simple.

    Source URL: https://celcells.blogspot.com/2011/05/fedora-15-released-available.html
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