iPhone 5 on Verizon

    iPhone 5 on Verizon : Rumors are that iPhone 5 is coming to Verizon in 2011 , running on LTE network . It is the same iPhone that was rumored to wun on CDMA network . We have sparse information about the next generation iPhone [iphone 5]. This blog post will be updated once any news about the Verizon iPhone 5 is announced to the media .

    We are also awaiting the release of white iPhone 5 , but it seems unlikely until the iPhone 5 release next year Hopefully it will be the only iPhone 5 white that we are going to get anyways .
    iPhone 5 on Verizon
    Source URL: https://celcells.blogspot.com/2011/08/iphone-5-on-verizon.html
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