iPad will provide free e-book 30000

    Apple claim that they iPad into the Amazon Kindle e-book field with a relatively high is not the day of the next two days doing this. But most people are skeptical: Kindle e-books have already occupied half of the country, like many other publishing giant has a working relationship, in this content is king today, iPad what means the content of join efforts to fight Kindle?

    According to AppAdvice reported that Apple is planning to join the iPad Project Gutenberg (Gutenberg Project). This iPad on iBookstore at least pre-loaded more than 30,000 free e-book.

    Project Gutenberg is a book dedicated to the public domain electronic text, archiving and publishing of the project, initially sponsored by the volunteers, now has grown into the most famous electronic items of public book.

    iPad join Project Gutenberg, and while reading the latest novel, Stephen Hawking is not free of the column, but consumers can still enjoy free of charge to about 30000 in the public domain books. Such as "Alice in Wonderland," "Pride and Prejudice", "Homer" and so on. This will greatly enrich the iPad the contents of the book.Source URL: https://celcells.blogspot.com/2010/03/ipad-will-provide-free-e-book-30000.html
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