Tony Fadel will no longer serve as a consultant Steve Jobs

    iPod and iPhone (mobile Internet), one of the inventor Tony Fadel Monday announced that he would resign from Apple CEO Steve Jobs of the Special Adviser to the post.

    Fadel separation process was rather lengthy. He retired in 2008, Apple iPod, senior vice president, but still with Steve Jobs in his capacity as Special Adviser to stay in the apple.

    Although Steve Jobs on Apple's reputation and innovation occupy a pivotal position, but the Fadel also in the process of the company's revival played a key role. He was the first 90s of the last century envisioned a hard drive-based digital music player, and that this idea taken to a Seattle-based Real Networks company. However, there have been reports that he and Real Networks CEO Rob Glazer incompatible, and at 6 weeks after the leave.

    Fadel joined Apple in 2001, and helped Apple made history. He was initially a former senior vice president at Apple, now Palm CEO Jon Rubinstein men, and subsequently replaced by Rubinstein in 2006, became director of iPod.Source URL:
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