Does Microsoft weigh the application of Bing search element of IPhone to apply to the United States only?

    On March 20 message, releasing for IPhone should search applied process surely after 3 months, this week calls Microsoft this application the program applies to the United States only. It will withdraw next this application orders from the ITunes shop that is not American version. Microsoft says in statement, when we issue IPhone application order, we offer this application program accidentally to all countries that malic market is in. Microsoft says, it is in those who develop international version to should search applied process surely. Microsoft says, we plan those who release international version to answer surely IPhone application process. But, we still cannot announce the date that releases this software now. The older international strategy that should search software surely with us is same, we do not want to adopt the method that gets used to all demand with a dimension. Contrary, we should think seriously and assure us to turn our product for specific market client. Some earlier this month moment, motolora says it will cooperate to be offerred in China in this quarter with Microsoft should search a program surely. Nevertheless, should search a program to will be used at using the mobile phone of Android operating system surely, those who serve as existing mobile phone is wireless upgrade program. Microsoft will release those who apply to IPhone and IPod Touch to should search software surely in December last year. The search that this program includes a level, image search, map and other function.  Source URL:
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