iPad booking amounted to 240,000 two weeks

    Market analyst Daniel Tello estimates that Apple iPad scheduled to begin in two weeks has been the target amount of up to 24 million units.

    Trow is expected, in the April 3 before the official start selling, iPad is expected to exceed the target amount of 300,000. Even a conservative estimate, it will be 28 million units.

    The average price of 640 U.S. dollars in accordance with the calculation, 28 million units, the amount scheduled to bring 180 million U.S. dollars for Apple's gross income.

    According to Taylor's estimates, Apple iPad scheduled two-week performance since the beginning of the following:

    - First day of the scheduled volume of 120,000;

    - In the first week (not including the first day) scheduled to volume 70000, 6 days, the average daily volume of 12000 Book;

    - Second week of the scheduled volume of 50000, 7 days average daily volume of 7000 intended.Source URL: https://celcells.blogspot.com/2010/03/ipad-booking-amounted-to-240000-two.html
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