iPhone 4G really must come!

    On Monday, apple retail started selling need not go into the iPhone, AT&T signing with the mysterious, but is the apple announced after so many consumers think apple started selling "unlock edition" iPhone mobile, but in fact is not, and the function of the iPhone mobile AT&T signed a iPod Touch equivalent.

    According to the price has announced an apple, 3G version of the iPhone at $499, 16GB version 3GS iPhone at $599, 3GB iPhone 32GB version is for $699. In fact, in the open before the iPhone selling did not sign, consumer can also purchase contract to apple stores in the iPhone, apple, consumer can clearly website "gifts" of the purchase contract, but should not give their identification.

    So, why the apple and loudly announced the launch of trafficking did not sign iPhone? Since the contract is not equal to iPod Touch iPhone, then who will choose to buy expensive iPhone, unless, consumer has made good purchase iPhone to crack, after this seems to be the only solution tacit.

    It will be in this year, apples, and to give out "with the upcoming release of iPad market has the area is lain between, the screen will be a 4G iPhone 3G appearance changed over the past 2gb, carrying a mini, the screen.Source URL: https://celcells.blogspot.com/2010/03/iphone-4g-really-must-come.html
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