iPhone 4G user and Android user six big behavior differences

    1 iPod touch users most young people touch popular with students, iPod, Apple because of special plan - buy out begins to send iPod touch the Mac. Seventy-eight percent iPod touch user below 25, relative to the iPhone, webOS and 25% of the Android 24%.

    2 most men: take mobile phone users are up to 73 of user for men, and take WebOS relative to 58%, for 57%, iPod Touch iPhone to 54.

    3 iPod touch user favorite applications: iPod users download most applications, especially for free. Their average monthly download 12 applications, users of the iPhone and take 37 percent. The use of time and user iPod, 100 minutes a day on average than the iPhone, and take more than 25% of the user.

    4 most willing to give users will pay for the application, the most willing to give users pay. Half a month pay at least give users download an application, far above the Android user 21%, webOS 24%, and touch iPod 35%.

    5 the most loyal fans: 91% apple iPod touch and 88% iPhone users to recommend is currently with users of products for friends, compared with the webOS 84% and take the 69%. Don't recommend proportion, the proportion of webOS 3.5 times higher than even give.

    6 above iPad Kindle: apple continued fans really loyal, 16% iPhone users want to buy iPad, relative to the webOS user 11% and take the user. While the average Kindle the contours of continued iPad are low, the iPhone webOS and iPad preferences, and significantly better than to take the user iPad Kindle and purchase intention in 5 ~ 6.Source URL: https://celcells.blogspot.com/2010/03/iphone-4g-user-and-android-user-six-big.html
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