iPhone 4G multi-touch back

    There are news on the iphone 4G burst, according to an Apple on behalf of the employees from the plant said the company has received the iPhone 4G related information, and will be in June the market. In addition, the staff also introduced the iPhone 4G will use the special glass, integrated design, and the mighty mouse's body using a similar touch technology.

    The biggest highlight of this technology is the ability to make iPhone 4G back to support the operation and multi-touch gestures to solve the iPhone's fingerprints "pollution" and the operation of shelter issues. Beyond the imagination of all of this technology, if true, Apple will once again completed an unprecedented invention, once again prove to the user "Only Apple can not think, there is no Apple can not do."Source URL: https://celcells.blogspot.com/2010/03/iphone-4g-multi-touch-back.html
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