Apple confirms CEO's keynote address for WWDC 2010.iPhone 4G could be announced

    It was confirmed that Steve Jobs the microphone at the WWDC conference in San Francisco on 7 June. What else could speak, with the exception of the iPhone 4G?

    The evidence indicates that the next iPhone, the 4G/HD, at this year's WWDC has published for months building. You may reach its peak, have confirmed that Steve Jobs on stage, perhaps in his trademark black turtleneck sweater, Monday, June 7, the first day of the conference.

    If the event for software developers is reserved, Apple usually has a speech on the first day of the conference available on the new hardware and software, Apple has now confirmed that on 7 June.

    Apple is doing everything to keep its forthcoming iPhone 4GS a big secret. But the question remains. Will it launch in during WWDC 2010.Source URL:
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