AT&T's iPhone 4G release date in June and Verizon iPhone HD on September 2010

    Gizmodo has published pictures of the iPhone 4G prototype flight. The question remains whether said during the conference in June, Apple introduced the iPhone, while Verizon iPhone at the three-year contract with AT & T exclusive end There is speculation that in some locations, two Apple iPhones at the event a make the AT&T, Verizon, others.

    Reports are coming in that after an AT&T iPhone 4G release in June, there will be a CDMA iPhone HD for Verizon coming in September.

    This is not yet verified as of this writing but it was also reported by CrunchGear that Apple has already hired Landor Associates to begin developing ads for a Verizon iPhone.

    The iPhone 4G new offer has also increased the storage volumes. Otherwise, it would seem that there is no difference between the relatively few new iPhone 3G Apple iPhone earlier.

    But this is not to see the OLS and customers to a new camera and improved helmet and the new battery, the 18% larger than its predecessor. This should be heard watching videos and music, more than an after thought, because they run off to worry about the phone down.Source URL:
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