WAPI (Wi-Fi) iPhone 3GS has been allowed to enter the Chinese market

    As the subject-China policy, China has always been into the Apple iPhone does not have Wi-Fi feature, which is also the iPhone into China after a pity.

    Wi-Fi capable iPhones have been blocked in China because of government regulations that require smartphones to support the country’s WAPI protocol — a protocol that ins’t included in the iPhone. With WAPI support added to the Chinese version, Apple can begin selling Wi-Fi enabled versions of the iPhone in the country.

    It’s too bad the iPhone couldn’t muscle proper Wi-Fi into China Unicom, especially if it’s at the added cost of user privacy, but Apple (NSDQ: AAPL)’s just a company in California, and China’s… well, a world power. They’ve been trying to push WAPI as a global standard, but have been unable to get the technology approved by the internationally-recognized ISO.Source URL: https://celcells.blogspot.com/2010/05/wapi-wi-fi-iphone-3gs-has-been-allowed.html
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