Verizon iPhone 4G Release Date in fall 2010 & AT&T vs Verizon

    With the latest reports of Apple placing order for 24 million CDMA units, the expectation for iPhone 4G release date with Verizon is rising.

    AT&T is about the release date for the iPhone 4G or advertising is concerned with Verizon as what AT & T said its just a way to increase revenue and also justified that Verizon already has a high cost of early termination?

    None of the companies, including Apple, AT & T or Verizon has confirmed yet to formally launch the next iPhone or Verizon denies iPhone at the event. Apple has the iPhone 3G in the developer's conference in 2009 and the same event in the summer of 2008 was used to launch the iPhone 3G.

    Apple iPhone are other reports that Verizon Wireless is iPhone 4G 2010th While Verizon and the iPhone has never accepted or rejected, in cooperation with Verizon's iPhone, but rumors that the device is not far.

    Many people are waiting for the release date of 4G iPhone at WWDC in June 2010, while others believe that the iPhone will be launched with Verizon by the fall of 2010. Steve Jobs Says “You Won't be Disappointed” at WWDCSource URL:
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