AT&T Raises ETF Prices For The next generation of iphone(iPhone 4G/HD)

    In an email sent to selected customers, the company notes that as of June 1 (which is less than two weeks away), customers who select "Advanced, high-end device, including netbooks and smartphones, will have a $ 325 ETF, a discount of $ 10 per month for the rest of the service contract.

    Now, it appears that AT&T is also looking to join the fray with high-priced smartphone ETFs. According to the Wall Street Journal, AT&T is raising the ETF for smartphones like the iPhone(iPhone 4G) and 3G-enabled netbooks to $325. The new policy will go into effect on June 1 and will apply to all new customers and to existing customers who renew their contracts after June 1.

    "That's up significantly over the $ 175 ETF that affects all phones on AT & T today, although still $ 25 less than Verizon Wireless plan. The only good part of this is the fact that customers “who are buying basic and quick messaging phones will have a lower ETF of $150, reduced by $4 for each month during the balance of the service agreement.” Naturally, existing contract customers won’t see any immediate change, but you can bet you’ll be nailed with the new terms once you head in this summer to pre-order that iPhone 4G. The full memo is posted:

    Beginning June 1, 2010, AT&T is making changes that will lower the early termination fee (ETF) for many customers who agree to new term commitments, and will increase it for others.

    • Customers who are buying basic and quick messaging phones will have a lower ETF of $150, reduced by $4 for each month during the balance of the service agreement.
    • Customers who purchase a more advanced, higher-end device, including Netbooks and Smartphones, will have an ETF of $325, reduced by $10 for each month during the balance of the service agreement.
    Current AT&T wireless customers who are within their existing service agreement or have an existing enterprise service agreement will see no change to their current terms.
    Action Required
    • Review the Know the Facts and FAQs to learn the complete details of the ETF change.
    • Managers in Company Owned Retail should review the ETF Ops Brief for additional items required to support the change.
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