iPhone 4G test firmware shows video calling_found in iPhone OS 4.0

    A Boy Genius Report shows screenshots from what they claim is a field test firmware of iPhone OS 4 being used to test AT&T’s network.

    The screenshots were taken from a some short of field test firmware for the new iPhone. They show an option in Settings called Video Call Debugging and the next screenshot shows three options for Enable All Logging, Disable All Logging and Dump Logs. Apple did not mention anything about video calling during the iPhone OS 4 announcement last month.

    This basically confirms a front-facing camera and video-call support on the Apple iPhone 4G or whatever the name will be.

    We hope this is true and video conferencing is finally demoed by Steve Jobs during WWDC 2010!Source URL: https://celcells.blogspot.com/2010/05/iphone-4g-test-firmware-shows-video.html
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