iPhone 4G: screen change the length and width equal to iPhone 3GS

    Exposure of fourth-generation iPhone pictures display the content by the phone's LCD screen, iPhone 4G screen iPhone 3GS slightly longer than some of the past. The width is similar with the iPhone 3GS. Apple's next-generation iPhone's screen once again enabled the first generation iPhone, one screen, one for the design within the external screen, if damaged, then replacement will be costly. As to whether the size of the screen, such as the United States, as some media speculation upgrade 3.7 inches.

    iPhone 4G screen positive for more than a video camera, so the overall length slightly longer than the current iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS.Source URL: https://celcells.blogspot.com/2010/04/iphone-4g-screen-change-length-and.html
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