The ReMail application that can undertake full text mail is searched opens a source formally

    ReMail is an applied program that can undertake full text mail is searched. After Dan Zigu song bought development business ReMail, this application falls from App Store frame. However, good news is, reMail government announces to use this the source, allow to the user continues to use or continue to develop. You can find Remail-iPhone in Google Code now this application, download its the source code with Apache 2.0 accredit. ReMail hopes developer can use source code to continue to give out new mail application, because pass information of accessory of information of IMAP download, analytic MIME, processing, memory for instance,ReMail has fulfilled these functions, developer can write good functional deploy in his application with using these. ReMail still established group of a Google Groups discussion, developer can discuss here.Source URL:
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